Tuesday 17 June 2014

Rafting Year 5

Today year 5 went rafting! They had 10 people in each group and had to use their knot skills to create a bamboo raft. It was hard work but they all managed in the end. The best part was racing them around the lake!  


  1. Nice to hear from you Ishant. Grand mom/dad have arrived last night from UK & missing you alot but they are delighted to learn that you are having a great fun. Do enjoy & take care !!!:) miss you. Isha is so excited to see some more photos of today's activities.

  2. Rafting looks totally awesome Harvey! Hope you're having a great time, miss you, have loads of fun.....love Mum, Dad and Freya xxx

  3. It looks like you kids are having an awesome time. Missing you lots Beau love Mum, Dad and Max xxx

    1. To mum dad max i miss you so much today I did the Flying fox the Postman walk and the high rope obsticle course. Yesterday we did fishing but it was really hard.
      love from Beau xxx

  4. Fantastic Beau so glad you are loving your time away, looking forward to hearing about your adventures when you get back tomorrow. Love Mum xx
