Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Mr Perriams visit photos

Hello Year 5 and 6!

Here are some photos Mr Perriam took while on the visit!

One Tree Hill Cafe

Front Lobby


5 star boat ride!

Sleeping dorms

Bridge to sleeping dorms

Wet Postmans Walk

Water Park

Water Park

Water Park
Wet Postmans walk


Who knows where this goes to?

Low Ropes Course

Lunch Time!

Lunch time view!


  1. Hey ! It's me Reya! I have been in Miri and it has been the most radiant trip ever! I'm not having much fun here but I hope you have fun in Miri

    Missing you Hornbill and Friends ~

  2. Hi Reya! Hope you are having a great time at your new school! Everyone is missing you too! Keep an eye out on here for more photos from our trip on 16th June!

  3. Looking forward to reading about your exciting adventure.
    Kerry Varley

  4. Have fun year 5 and year 6 hope you have a blast make sure you bring me fishes. I like the bit where you guys caught fishes they look like tuna.

    From Suruchhya from year 5 and bipn from year 4
