Wednesday 18 June 2014

Year 6 Fishing

Year 6 Low Ropes

Year 6 rafting (with a snake!)

Year 5 Niah Caves walk

That was the hottest day ever! After a long 3k walk we finally reached the caves. They were massive! The children enjoyed walking through the caves avoiding the mess left by the bats! 

Jack said that it was good in the caves but was really dark! Luke enjoyed it but was not keen on the spiders! Finn really enjoyed the smell...which is strange! 

Meghana and Emma missed the group photo as they were in the toilet! 

Wave if you want to go faster on the wobbly boat! 

Jungle walk to the caves.

What is that in the trees?

Are we there yet?

Are there any shops here?

Do we have to walk through the cave? Can't we stay here?

Into the cave! 

It's dark in here!

Cave selfie! 

Nearly there! 

We made it! 

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Year 5 Flying Fox

Wow that was scary! The first challenge was to climb the massive stair case in the jungle! Emma and many others suggested they installed an escalator! The children loved flying over the lake down to the other side! 

Niah Caves Walk Year 6

The year 6 children had a very hot time at the Niah Caves today! After a massive breakfast they set off on the bus for the 80km trip. Once they arrived they had a 3km walk along a wooden walkway through the jungle. Craig really enjoyed seeing all the bat dropping! Adam really loved the smell!

The caves were really dark so the children were glad they had their lights with them!   They had their packed lunch in the caves. 

All the children, and teachers, were glad to see the nice cool water park when they got pack! 



Rafting Year 5

Today year 5 went rafting! They had 10 people in each group and had to use their knot skills to create a bamboo raft. It was hard work but they all managed in the end. The best part was racing them around the lake!